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Snaps subcommands

b, build

mm-snap build [options]

Builds a snap from source.

b is an alias for build.

e, eval

mm-snap eval [options]

Attempts to evaluate the snap bundle in SES.

e is an alias for eval.

i, init

mm-snap init [directory]

Initializes a snap project in the specified directory. If no directory is specified, the snap project is initialized in the current directory.

i is an alias for init.

m, manifest

mm-snap manifest [options]

Validates the snap manifest file.

m is an alias for manifest.

s, serve

mm-snap serve [options]

Locally serves snap files for testing.

s is an alias for serve.

w, watch

mm-snap watch [options]

Rebuilds a snap from source upon changes to the files in the parent and child directories of the source directory.


All files in the parent and child directories of sthe source directory are watched for changes, except:

  • Files in the node_modules directory.
  • Files in the test or tests directories.
  • Any files named test.js or test.ts.
  • Files in the dist directory, or the directory specified using --dist.
  • Dotfiles.

w is an alias for watch.