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Manage permissions

To call a restricted RPC method, your dapp must request permission from the user using the wallet_requestPermissions RPC method. You can get the user's current permissions using wallet_getPermissions, and revoke permissions previously granted to your dapp using wallet_revokePermissions. These methods are specified by EIP-2255 and MIP-2.

wallet_requestPermissions creates a confirmation asking the user to connect to an account and allow the dapp to call the requested method. The confirmation screen describes the functions and data the requested method can access. For example, something like the following confirmation displays when you request permission to call the restricted method eth_accounts:

Request permissions confirmation 1
Request permissions confirmation 2

To access accounts, we recommend using eth_requestAccounts, which automatically asks for permission to use eth_accounts by calling wallet_requestPermissions internally. See how to access a user's accounts for more information. Granting permission for eth_accounts also grants access to eth_sendTransaction, personal_sign, and eth_signTypedData_v4.

Request permissions example

The following example uses wallet_requestPermissions to request permission from the user to call eth_accounts:

document.getElementById("requestPermissionsButton", requestPermissions)

function requestPermissions() {
provider // Or window.ethereum if you don't support EIP-6963.
method: "wallet_requestPermissions",
params: [{ eth_accounts: {} }],
.then((permissions) => {
const accountsPermission = permissions.find(
(permission) => permission.parentCapability === "eth_accounts"
if (accountsPermission) {
console.log("eth_accounts permission successfully requested!")
.catch((error) => {
if (error.code === 4001) {
// EIP-1193 userRejectedRequest error
console.log("Permissions needed to continue.")
} else {

Revoke permissions example

The following example uses wallet_revokePermissions to revoke the dapp's permission to call eth_accounts:

await provider // Or window.ethereum if you don't support EIP-6963.
method: "wallet_revokePermissions",
params: [
eth_accounts: {},